
Monday, July 27, 2009

Movie Monday - G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra, Julie and Julia, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Let's play on words beginning with the same letter here and start a "Confessions of a Costumeholic" tradition. I feel inspired by yesterday's post, so every Monday from now on, I'll mention an (hopefully) upcoming movie with costuming possibilities. So all of you cosplayers looking for an excuse to dress-up, stay tuned!

G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra (August 7)

Remember those toys you loved to watch battle each other as kids? Why not don on some camouflage gear to go watch actors play the part of toys? If you want a more screen accurate costume (sorry, I'm no expert on this one), I suggest you watch the trailer, visit the official website or look at the pictures for

this movie on IMDB

Julie and Julia (August 7)

Julie Powell may be a modern day cubicle worker, Julia Child's story begins in the 50's and her show began airing in 1963 so why not get inspired by that and dress up as a 50's / 60's housewife?! (For you gentlemen, I would rather you stick to your suit and hats please.) Or just show your support to Julie and put on your cooking apron. Pictures can be found on the official website or on the IMDB page.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 15)

Now, I know that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) has been out in theatres since July 15, but hey, this blog didn't exist then and I can't not mention one of the biggest cosplay movies of the summer! Saddly, I have yet to see it due to motherly obligations (I am patiently waiting for my local Famous Player to have a showing of it in English for their weekly Stars And Strollers program, so no one dare tell me the punch!), but I have been to every other Harry Potter movie in cosplay so I will just share with you a picture of me in my Ravenclaw student uniform.

Gwenyver as a Ravenclaw student

For reference pictures and research, I suggest Muggle.Net, Veritaserum and Madam Malkin's - Harry Potter costume group on Yahoo.

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