
Monday, July 27, 2009

OSS 117 Rio Doesn't Answer (Rio Ne Répond Plus) Cosplay

(I meant to post this yesterday, but I had computer problems so let's all pretend the date says Sunday, July 26, 2009, ok?!)

There are many different ways to spend an evening out: some like to go dancing and drink themselves silly, other will go to some sporting event or perhaps out to a restaurant. Then again, some will go to a movie, dressed like the characters! (Which doesn't mean they never do any of the other previously mentionned activities.)

Last Friday, a few of my friends went to the Montréal opening night of the new OSS 117: Rio ne répond plus movie (it's been out since April in France) in Cosplay, that is in 60's looking clothes. (I would have loved to join them, but one of the reasons I am writting this blog instead of making costumes and going to Cons and Cosplays is that I'm a new mom and I can't do all these crazy things for the moment - but I will again when my baby is a little older). So here they are, these three great gals in their stunning outfits:

Marianne Solav, Teknobug5 and Mageknightterra

A close-up of the twins, Teknobug5 and Mageknightterra

My favorite costume of the three is undeniably Teknobug5's. She looks stunning, and look at that hairdo!

Now if you don't know what the movie is about, watch the trailer, it is hilarious (I can't wait to see it - the movie obviously, I've seen the trailer already)!

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