
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rosalina and Toadette Fabrics

I have fabrics! Not all of them, but enough to get started.

First, Rosalina’s dress:

Rosalina's Dress Fabric

I was looking with a fabric with a sheen or an interesting texture that could be worn by a princess – I did not want plain cotton for this project, although it is always de rigueur for Anime. The best match I found, after comparing it to two satins, was this light aquamarine crepe. It is a little lighter in colour than I would have wanted, but this costume is going to be my interpretation of the character, so I am giving myself the creative licence to toy with colour and details a little. And sure, this fabric is 100% Polyester, and if it’s hot out I might regret my choice, but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make. Plus, at 2.99$ a metre, who am I to complain!

For the neckline, bottom of sleeves and hemline, I got very shiny Organza. I intend to ruffle it more than suggested by the artwork at the hemline and sleeves.

For the underskirt, I have to look through my stash, but I believe I have white, very shiny satin crepe. I am still trying to choose how to make that part; do I attach a pleated underskirt at the skirt and bust seam, or do I make a separate, multi-tiered skirt to wear underneath? In both cases, the underskirt will be used to give the dress its volume.

And now for Toadette:

Toadette's Costume Fabric

I have pink and white bathing suit material to make the slip cover and “braids” for my daughter’s bicycle helmet.

For her dress, I bought deep pink cotton, but being tired and accompanied by a restless “Toadler”, I left the pink bathing suit material in the car (it was bought in a different store) and I tried to match it by memory. That was not one of my finest moments as you can see if you compare the two in the photo. Oh well, it’s just on metre and I can make her something out of it later, but I will have to go back to the fabric store, with the helmet fabric in hand this time, and find the right cotton.

(Say, I have just had an idea: we have an SCA event this week-end and I wanted to make my daughter a new tunic, possibly short sleeved. I’ll just use the deep pink fabric! See, no loss.)

Next step is pattern drawing and cutting. And I guess I’ll have to go fabric shopping again this week. How sad!

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