
Friday, February 26, 2010

Vancouver 2010 - Ladies Figure Skating

No categories today: just a selection of my favourite Ladies Figure Skating Dresses as eye candy.


(Note: All pictures came from the
Vancouver 2010 website.)

Kiira Korpi of Finland, Figure Skating

Simple, but elegant.

Sarah Hecken of Germany, Figure Skating

Mirai Nagasu of the United States, Figure Skating

I love the black lace on red combination.

Miki Ando of Japan, Figure Skating

A darker red and black: I like it!

Alena Leonova of Russia, Figure Skating

This may be dumb of me, but gold and light red just equals Russia in my mind; and with the floral lace, it adds a classic touch.

Julia Sebestyen of Hungary, Figure Skating

Of course, you know me and blues... I especially like the long gloves.

Elene Gedevanishvili of Georgia, Figure skating

Alena Leonova of Russia, Figure Skating

Sonia Lafuente of Spain, Figure Skating

Of course, I also love black and white together!

Miki Ando of Japan, Figure Skating

Of all the dresses, this one is my favorite: it's an Egyptian Queen costume, and it's teal green!



Joannie Rochette of Canada, Figure Skating

Joannie Rochette of Canada, Figure Skating

Everyone in the world must have heard about Joannie's loss by now: I wish to add my condolences to this post. And without wanting to sound superficial in the face of such a life changing event, she did look gorgeous through it all!


Mao Asada of Japan, Figure Skating

Love the black trim in the front. It has a little Gothic touch.

Mao Asada of Japan, Figure Skating

Yeah! More black and red!


Kim Yu-Na of South Korea, Figure Skating

Kim Yu-Na of South Korea, Figure Skating

Kim Yu-Na of South Korea, Figure Skating

I love blue too.

Mao Asada of Japan, Kim Yu-Na of South Korea and Joannie Rochette of Canada, Figure Skating Podium

Great picture of their behinds: it shows details we would not usually see.

Mao Asada of Japan, Kim Yu-Na of South Korea and Joannie Rochette of Canada, Figure Skating Podium

Mao Asada of Japan, Kim Yu-Na of South Korea and Joannie Rochette of Canada, Figure Skating Podium

Congratulations to all of them.

Wait, now that skating competitions are over, what will I write about?

The Figure Skating Gala of course! Stay tuned... (but don't hold your breadth - the rule of Three says three minutes without air becomes a problem and as there are 24 hours in a day...)

1 comment:

  1. bonjour je suis francaise et je fais du twirling baton j adore le modele de joannie rochette est ce que tu pourrais me le faire je mets du 42 /44 bien sur dis moi combien !! je parle pas beaucoup l anglais merci et a bientot
