
Monday, February 1, 2010

Shameless Plug: Young Academy of Irish Dance 1st Annual St Patrick's Day Show

On March 19, 2010, the Young Academy of Irish Dance will hold it's first Annual St. Patrick's Day Show. The funds raised will help send Solo Dancers as well as Céili teams to the Canadian Championship held in Ottawa (ON) next November. As I am a member of the 8-hand Céili team, I encourage anyone interested to come watch our show (there will be dancing and pretty Solo dresses!).

The Young Academy of Irish Dance is taught by Janice Young TCRG. The school offers classes for children ages 4 & up as well as for adults, and also welcomes anyone with a disability who would still like to learn Irish Dance.
Class locations are Verdun, Chateauguay and Montreal West

What: Young Academy of Irish Dance 1st Annual St Patrick's Day Show
When: March 19, 2010, at7:30 PM
Where: Riverview Elementary, 971 av Riverview Avt, Verdun, Quebec H4H 2C3
How much: Tickets are $7 each for adults and children over the age of 12

We will also be having a bake sale and a raffle table.

All classes will be participating: Verdun, Chateauguay and Montreal West

If you would like to reserve your ticket, or to make a donation, please e-mail the school at

Thank you!


  1. Je suis super triste. Ça fait longtemps que je veux te voir danser mais j'ai un cours les vendredi soirs :(

    Si jamais je décidais de manquer le cours (pour l'instant j'ose pas mais il se peut que je conclue que tous les cours ne sont pas totalement essentiels, selon ce qui va suivre, jusqu'à quelle date je pourrais te réserver un billet ?

  2. Il reste souvent des billets le jour même, alors je crois que si tu me le disais le vendredi dans la journée, je pourrais t'en faire mettre un de coté.
