
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Montreal's St. Patrick's Parade 55th Queen Selection

Last night, I went to my first pageant ever: it was the 55th Montreal St. Patrick’s Parade Queen Selection Evening. It was nothing like what you see on tele, on TLC (thank goodness!); the entrants had to give speeches and answer questions, but they were judged on their ability to speak in public and what they had to say, not on their looks. One of my friends from Irish Dancing had decided to enter (she didn’t win and was quite happy about it – I think she might have entered to please her mom), so I went to support and encourage her.


In between speeches, there was a little entertainment, and some had interesting dresses or costumes. One was the Marlow Sisters, a couple of singers.

The Marlow Sisters

I of course loved their green dresses. Many people attending wore green, but that green satin was very cool and flashy.

The founder of the Montreal St. Patrick’s day Parade Queen Selection Pageant is none other than Bernadette Short, Québec’s first TCRG (that is Irish Dance teacher). It comes as no surprise then that we were treated to a couple dance numbers by Celtic Grace, Bernadette Short’s Dance Troupe.

The Bernadette Short Irish Dancers

Celtic Grace

I do love Celtic Grace’s navy and purple dresses. They are very simple, but elegant. I also have to say, they were impressive dancers!

But this evening was about choosing a Queen and Princesses for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Without further ado, here is this year’s Queen and her court:

2010 Parade Queen Katherine McKendy

Princess Sandra Evangelista

Princess Kelly Taylor

Princess Chelsea Wakeling

Don’t you just love those capes? They are so dreamy and romantic! I know that crazily enough, many entrants hope to be a princess to wear a green cape instead of the red one. And those Tiaras are so sparkly! No wonder some participants say they have been dreaming of this since they were little girls.

I wish I could enter next year. I would look good in a cape and tiara! Besides, I found out this past Christmas that I have an Irish ancestor, which is one of the most important prerequisite for participants. You must also be single, which I’m not (and I have a kid), but you know, I’m not married... My friend started asking me how old I was, thinking she could get me to enter next year (one needs to share the "torture" around), but alas, I am too old now. Had I only known a few years back that Great Great Grandma Rose came from Ireland! I would have loved to be a princess! (Maybe my daughter can one day, but only if she wishes to.)

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