
Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Lady of Shalott and friends

I saw her, I saw her! I really, really saw her!

Yesterday, Nancy-Raven, my Daughter and I went to the Musée des Beaux Arts de Montréal for the last week-end of the John William Waterhouse - Garden of Enchantment exhibit. I know, it's just like me to wait until the last minute! After all, I have known about the exhibit for quite some time; I even mentioned it here, back in October! (See Museum Exhibition: John William Waterhouse - Garden of Enchantment, posted on October 13, 2009).

As I explained to my Sweetheart last week, going to the Tate Gallery in London to see The Lady of Shalott has been on my list of things to do once in my life for about a decade; it would be dumb to miss my chance to see her while she is town. Oh sure, it's one less excuse to go to London, UK, but really, I have many more so what is one.

The Lady of Shalott, John William Waterhouse, 1888, Oil on canvas, 153 cm × 200 cm, Tate Gallery, London.

Seeing her in front of me, being able to discern details I had never noticed before, noticing how bright the colours are in real life, all of this made me want to pick up my embroidery once more and finish the cross stitch armbands I had begun years ago. As it stands now, I only have one that is completed.

Cross stitched trim for The Lady of Shalott Armbands

Come on Gwenyver, you can do it!

There was another painting that impressed me and influenced my costuming mood: Jason and Medea.

Jason and Medea, John William Waterhouse, 1907, Oil on canvas, The Rob Dickins Collection

You see, I've been wanting to make a proper Cotehardie for quite some time now, but it was never all that high on my list of priorities. It just so happens that next Wednesday (March 17), my local SCA group will have a workshop on the subject and I was debating whether or not to go. Seeing that painting suddenly makes me want to go (this should please Lady Jeanne).

One thing is for sure, I'm really happy I went. Now I can say:

"I saw her, I saw her! I really, really saw her!"


  1. Me niaises-tu ? Samedi ?

    J'étais là ! C'était le cadeau de fête à ma mère ! :o On y était peut-être en même temps et on s'est même pas vu ! Il y avait tellement de monde !

    J'ai donc vu l'exposition deux fois haha :)

  2. Tu y étais vers quelle heure? On y est allée en après-midi. Si tu as entendue un bébé faire des bruits, c'était ma fille. Elle pointait les peintures en disant "Bah?".
