
Friday, January 22, 2010

Yukata Kitsuke

I guess it is still Japanese week in my brain. I did try to think of something different to write today, but then I thought "Why should I?". First off, I have a cold and can't think straight, and besides, the original raison d'être of this blog is to give me an outlet to share all my crazy costuming thoughts day to day (there is a limit to how much my Sweetheart, and even Nancy-Raven, want to hear about them).

Anyways, I'm sure many of you will like this little find. You see, as much as I love Kimono, I have never actually worn one (well, other that my
Purple Haori, and even that one does not often see the light of day). As I mentioned when I presented my Kimono Collection back in August, I don't have all that is needed to properly wear a Kimono. There is also the fact that without practice, dressing oneself in a Kimono is not all that easy.

So today I was looking for videos that show how to properly put on a Kimono and I found this amazingly well made one by Ichiroya. It is a sample of their Kimono Dressing With Yuka DVD, and it shows how to put on a Yukata, or Cotton Summer Kimono, and tie a Bunko bow with a Hanhaba Obi, a half with Obi worn with a Yukata. The explanations are all in English, but there are also captions in English and Japanese, and it shows you everything slowly enough and with close-ups that you'll feel you can't screw it up.

Part 1:

Part 2:

After seeing that video, I am itching to try my hand at wearing my own Yukata. Surely I can replace the Koshihimo with twill tape for the moment. The Datejime might be a little trickier, but I will surely manage.

I have a sudden urge to go sew my Valentine Yukata. See ya!

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