
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday Weekly Wishlist: Bajoran Vedek

While I'm watching Lost (2004), my Sweetheart is re-watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993). Now I'm sure I mentioned this before, but I'm a Trekkie. I learn to speak English watching Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987), and I remember that we were always allowed to go to bed later on nights when Star Trek was playing.

In Deep Space Nine, I really liked the presence of the
Bajorans, as they are my favourite Star Trek Aliens. I liked the earring they all wear and got myself a few in that style when they were in fashion and the general philosophy.

Of course, I also have a favourite costume: the Vedeks.

Vedek Winn's costume, owned by Thot Pran a.k.a. Jim, Niner's Paradise

The Vedek's costume can vary, which will give me great freedom for creating my own. Generally, for female Vedeks, such as Vedek Winn, the attire includes a robe, some sort of draped "sash" (sometimes similar to a roman toga) and a hat shaped like the Sydney Opera House.

Sydney Opera House

Now you can't make a Vedek's costume without using silk (how sad), so it will be a little pricey to make. For the robe itself, Dupioni or Shantung silk is the way to go. This I can find a local fabric store. For the draped "sash" and hat, I want to use silk brocade with a paisley motif. Once upon a time, I had found a really cool one in orange with lime green details, but I can no longer find it. So I started looking around and I found another nice one on eBay (I have not bought it yet); but this time, it's purple (why niot, I could go with a purple and brown colour theme).

Oriental Silk Brocade - Purple & Black Paisley, Anya's Collection

It is about 13.50$ per metre, plus shipping. This leads me to conclude that when I am ready to make that costume, I will order my Brocade fabric first, and then I'll mach it to Shantung I can find locally.

Ah! I love silk!


  1. I like the green Vedek costume. Like the other Vedek costumes it comes down to the ground.

  2. Hi I was wondering if you could give some advice on how to make a vedeks costume.? I want to make one for Fan Expo here in toronto.
