
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Evolution of Fashion in 30 seconds

There are costumes everywhere. I've said this often, and I have yet a new example for you.

Have you seen the new Tena commercial on Tele? I know, it is an add for incontinence solutions, but lets try to ignore that here. What is cool is they show 200 years of fashion evolution in less than 30 seconds. OK, sure that means they had to make some choices and show only a few costumes, but I still think it's fun.

Can you identify them all? First we have an 18th century / Marie-Antoinette style gown (well, at least that is what it is supposed to represent, because it's not exactly perfectly period per se), then a late 19th century Bustle Gown, followed by a 1920's flapper look, completed with cloche hat, a 1950's dress and finally an evening gown which could be from the 80's, but is probably meant to represent today's fashion (styles comes back every 20 years or so, you know).

It's a cute add. It pleases this costumer. Sure, it's not going to encourage me to buy the product (I'm really not in their target market), but the message is clear.

Just like Fashion evolves, so do many other things.

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