
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday Weekly Wishlist: Padmé's Purple Senate Gown

While we're on the subject of Star Wars costume, let me continue the theme by presenting another Padmé dress on my wishlist: Padmé's Purple Senate Gown.

There is a definite 16th century feel to the dress. Just look at the silhouette, the neckline and the sleeves. Of course, the necklace and headdress are more African in inspiration.

Once again, all the information one might need to make this costume can be found at The Padawan's Guide, including tips on how to make the costume.

You can also go to The Force.Net. On the Jedi Coucil's Costume and Props forum, there is a thread about Padmé's Purple Dress. Back in the spring, a group of costumers were organizing to order the fabric for the coat. I don't have 120$ lying around right now, but I know where to look when I do!

And as per my habit, I would use blond braids to make the headdress, to keep up my "blondification" of my favorite costumes.

If you have read yesterday's post, you might have seen the name Kay-Dee pop-up a few times. Kay-Dee has made a near perfect recreation of the original costume. See for yourself:

This picture only shows you a glimpse of all the work she put on that costume. You must check out her website to see all of the details. Seriously, it is impressive.

Kay-Dee, know that I admire your skills and patience.
Note: Kay-Dee is the one who told me about the group order on the Jedi Coucil's forum. Thank you Kay-Dee!


  1. Me toooooooo :'(

    I want to make that one, but haven't got the courage to look for every fabric :S

  2. love ur custom do u rent it im getting married and my wedding's theam is star wars so i will love to get married on that dress but cant find anywhere to buy or rent pls love to get in contact

  3. Sorry Anonymous, I did not make that one, Kay-Dee did. Pelase see the link at the bottom of the picture.
    Congratulations on geting married. When is it happening? Which Star Wars dress is your dream wedding gown, this one? Contact me if you would like to commission me.

  4. Is that the only Padma costume you have made? I am looking for one of her maternity dresses for Halloween this year, since I will be around 6 months along.
    Please email me if you know where I can find either of the blue *nightgown* dresses she wore with Anakin.
    Thank you ~ Jessica Smith.
