
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday Weekly Wishlist: Victorian Underpinnings

On my long "to-do" list is Victorian Underpinnings (underwear). As previously mentioned, undies I often leave undone because they are boring, and I can get away without them, but I think a corset would be necessary, especially with my Tartan Taffeta Victorian Ballgown project. It will also come in handy when I start making Bustle Gowns (and they will come, oh yes!).

When I get around to it, I plan on using a pattern I already own:

With this basic kit of chemise, corset and drawers, I can wear either a crinoline or a bustle.

Bustle Petticoat by Trystan (based on Truly Victorian's Grand Bustle Petticoat pattern TV108)

Originally, I wanted to make this set of underwear to participate in The Underwear Affair for the fight against cancers below the waist, but apparently Montreal is no longer one of the cities where the event takes place (and I'm not driving over six hours to Toronto for a 5 km walk, even if it's for a good cause; there are plenty of good causes locally).

Note: Yes Nancy-Raven, I did watch Anna Karenina (1997) this morning, which might explain my renewed desire for a bustle gown.

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