
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gymslip Pattern

This is just so... COOL! Remember on September 1st, how I was going on about Gymslips, the school dress of the century? This week, I got an e-mail from Margaret, asking me if I was serious about wanting to make one (Note to all of you: I may use a mocking or sarcastic tone sometimes, but I'm ALWAYS serious about wanting to make costume!), because she just so happens to have made one last year for Halloween! Ask my Sweetheart: I was bouncing on my chair and clapping my hands excitedly.

Here is her story: having seen pictures of her mother wearing one back when she was in school, she jumped on the occasion when she found an old Butterick Pattern from the 1950's on eBay.

Butterick 516 (Enveloppe Front)

Butterick 516 (Enveloppe Back)

But when she got the pattern, she was disappointed as it was missing the yoke pieces, and it was a child's size. Luckily, her husband Mike who is an engineer, said upon seeing the pattern that he could fix it. spent a week photographing and measuring the original pattern and then re-drawing it on the computer to her size. Margaret then had to spend a day printing out pages and gluing them together (the pattern Mike designed fits on 8.5" by 11" pages - 45 of them to be exact).

Since she lives in a hot climate, she didn't make it out of the wool serge which is what these jumpers were made of back then (as confirmed by Margaret's mother and mine), but in a brown twill, because that was the color that her mother wore. Dark navy blue or bottle green were apparently more common colours (for instance, my Mom's was navy blue).

Margaret's Gymslip (Halloween 2008)

In the photo, she tells me she was more or less finished: she still needed to press the pleats and sew the buttons on the shoulders. Her husband Mike gave me permission to post the picture, because, as he put it, he thinks Margaret "looks da bomb" in the outfit. She does look very cute. Great job, both of you.

Now here is the extra fun part: Margaret and Mike sent me the pattern and the instructions in PDF format and I have their permission to share it with anyone who wants it. So if you want it, e-mail me and I'll send it to you!

Many thanks to Margaret and Mike, you are both awesome and you have no idea how happy you have made me.


  1. That is just brilliant. I too have been hunting for a gymslip pattern, but without success, until now! I have just sent an email to you requesting , if possible, a copy of the pattern.

  2. would love to get that pattern. My Red Hat ladies group is hosting a Costume Party on August 12 ('20s, '30s, 40s, '50s, 60's) and I figure I could qualify for most of those categories with the ubiquituous gymslip that I wore myself from 1955-1960!!

  3. Hi
    I am making costumes for a drama exam and i was wondering whether you could send me send me a copy of your gymslip pattern
    Thank you

  4. I would love to. I'll need an e-mail address though. Just write to me and I'll respond with the pattern.

    1. Dear Costumeholic

      I have just been asked to make 30 gymslip costumes for 10 year olds' for the drama they are staging in October 2013. I have scoured the internet to no avail for a pattern :-( I wonder if there is any way you could possibly help me out? - even with the larger sized pattern and I could down size it to suit.

      I would be most grateful for your help.

      With kind regards

      Edra Mackenzie (Edie)

  5. I am directing a Gilbert and Sullivan opera, and I have been searching for a gymslip pattern. Please could I have a copy of it. That would make my day!
    is my email.
    Many many thanks

  6. Wow! That gymslip in Margaret's photo looks just the ones the girls are wearing in my grandmother old school photo :-)

    I've emailed & would love to have a copy of that pattern.

    You have a really cool blog - so many ideas!! - mostly way beyond my sewing skills tho :-(


  7. Oh, I would be so very pleased if you could kindly send me a copy of the gymslip pattern too! I'm trying to recall my own old school uniform. Mine was navy and your description is quite accurate - but I can't remember if the yoke pieces were lined. The pleated part was not. I think it was a square neckline but memory is hazy on that too! There was a buttoned belt which was always too loose!
    Sincerely, from Kate

  8. Oh, I would LOVE a copy of this! I wanted to buy one, but at £135 I really couldn't justify it! How do I get my email address to you safely?

  9. Ohh.. I'm searching the internet at the moment looking for a gymslip pattern, I've been asked to make some costumes.

    Could I get a copy of it too please?

    s dot coupland at gmail dot com


  10. Oh!! I so want to make one of these for my daughter for school. Her school allows 'jumpers' as we call them here in any style, as long as they're navy. This is so perfect and hopefully I can size it down. Please please send me the pattern! 3pinktrees (at) gmail (dot) com.

  11. I too have been looking for a pattern like this. I have some green woollen material and want to recreate my school gymslip which I lent to someone for a back to school party and never got back. How do I email you. I'm not familiar with this.

  12. Please send me the pattern for the gymslip. I think I have found your email address on facebook and have sent an email but just in case that doesn't work I will put my email address here:

  13. I would like the pattern, please! katrina12345567 at gmail dot com

    and yes, the double 5 is correct. haha.

  14. I'd love the pattern too - elisabeth dot kumar at gmail dot com :) thanks so much!

  15. Would you Please be Very Kind to send me the pattern to

    Thank You So Much

  16. The perfect gymslip! Would you be kind enough to send me the pattern please - wendy at attractions-advertising dot co dot uk

    Thank you in anticipation

  17. Just what i need for our fancy dress night. If possible could I have a copy.

    With many thanks


  18. Not sure what I am doing. Just sending thid=s and hoping!!

  19. Is it possible to send me a copy of the adult version your husband created of this please? I'm trying to make the Dr Who companion Romana from the City of Death episodes and this would be perfect!
    My email address is daisy_slade [at] yahoo [dot] com
    Thank you so much in advance!!

    1. Hi Pinkbatgirl,

      As explained, it was a reader's husband who made her a pattern to her size. There is only one size available and you can now find it in in the pattern tab at the top of this page. You can adjust that pattern to your size fairly easily.


    2. Yes please, I would love a copy of the pattern, I can't find a gymfrock anywhere and so will make one!

  20. Brilliant been looking for an age and a half for such a pattern! Please send one.

    1. You can now download the pattern from this blog. Look at the top of the age, under the Free Pattern tab.

  21. Please could you send me one... for my Madam Hooch (Harry Potter) costume....Thanks

    1. You can now download the pattern from this blog. Look at the top of the age, under the Free Pattern tab.

  22. Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of your gymslip pattern please?

  23. Would you be able to send me a copy of the gymslip pattern please? Some friends and I want to get some original St Trinian's costumes together.

  24. The ammateur dramatic society to which i belong needs gymslips made for our actresses - would you be able to provide me with this pattern, please?
    Heres's hoping

  25. I have been searching high and low for a gymslip pattern and I did find one but it is totally useless. Then I came upon your blog and I think salvation may be here! Is it possible to have a copy of this pattern if you still have it? My email address is - I'd be forever grateful, Nick

  26. Hi, although signed into my gmail account, google drive is telling me I don’t have access and need to be given permission? If it is possible to email the pattern to me I’d greatly appreciate it - thanks!

    1. Hello, I have the same problem. Did you get the pattern?

    2. Hiiii, I have thé same problème, may you please send it to me if it's possible? My Gmail dress IS : Thanks you so machhhh

  27. I need a copy of this pattern! Please share this with me if you can. My email is

  28. Here in Argentina these uniforms are very common, they are called "Jumper" they are also well known in Chile, they have the same name and in Colombia they are called "Jardineras", I leave you a link so that if you want to make the international purchase, it is easier than make them with moulds.[A:jumper%20colegio%20]
