
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Reminiscing: Montréal Highland Games 2006

It was back in 2006 that I last went to the Montréal Highland Games (in 2007 I was in Pennsic and in 2008, I was supposed to go but morning sickness kept me home until noon and by then, everyone was soaked and had left). It is not a costuming event per se, but my local SCA branch, the Barony of l'Île du Dragon Dormant, is often invited to go and setup a demonstration, so I had gone with them and I had sat on the ground to embroider, I had watched the fighters, I had tried to answer questions from curious onlookers and I had gotten a really bad sunburn because I had forgotten my sunscreen. Mostly it was an excuse to finish and wear my Scottish Lady's Outfit (OK, I know it really is a 15th century Black Irish Dress and a Léine* worn with a Scottish Arisaid**, but I didn't know better at the time and I was basing my outfit on Simplicity Pattern 3623, using McCall's 4091 for the Léine).

*Léine: Irish Shirt/Tunic
**Arisaid: Scottish Women's Cloak

Two Scottish Ladies: Mebh of Orkney (Nancy-Raven) and Mórag Filia Scayth (me)

Some of the Scottish musicians marching in to the field and passing our setup

Some of our fencers demonstrating their martial art

P.S.: My heart goes out to all the ones who went today and were drenched in the pouring rains. My Lord Conrad, please be mindful and take care of that Flu!

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