
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Project Update: Bumroll and Medieval Heraldic Tabard

I've done it! I'm actually in advance!!! Not at the last minute, no, a whole 36 hours in advance! Mark your calendars people, this will not happen often. (Unless I'm becoming more organized, could that be possible?)

Yesterday, I made my bumroll (the one I said I'd make to wear with my 18th century Bourgeoise Outfit).

OK, I know it looks like an uncooked croissant, but since no one is supposed to see it, who cares! The point is to give my skirt the right support.

I ended up using the pattern piece for the bumroll from Simplicity 8881 (It's out of print, but I sort of collect pattern, in case I might need them one day). After all, why bother drawing a pattern piece if I have it somewhere, already printed.

Simplicity 8881

The pattern calls for the bumroll to be mounted on some sort of wide belt, but I just used narrow twill tape to tie it in the front.

In other news, although I will not be going to Fête des Bois on September 5th (the usual reasons: Baby, money, etc.), I am still working on my Medieval Heraldic Tabard to wear on the same date, but at a different event: the Fête médiévale de Saint-Colomban (it's closer to my home and cheaper).

So, let me remind you first what my device looks like:


Device of Mórag filia Scayth

And now this is the front of my tabard.

It's not done yet, but you can already see what it's going to look like. The Cinquefoils (flowers) have been satin stitched in place, the red and yellow bands are sewn together and pressed, the entire "sash" part has been pinned to the front of the tabard, so my next step it to sew it in place.

I just thought I'd let you know what I was working on and I'd show you my progress.

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