
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beaded Princess Crown

Some of you may remember that last year, I made Nancy-Raven a crown for her birthday after she expressed the desire to wear one on her special day, as she would be "The Queen of the day". About a week before my own birthday, I was hit with the sudden desire to do the same, because lets face it, it is a great idea.

My inspiration came from this lovely princess crown:

Beaded Wrap-Wire Crown

I found it on Etsy a year ago, but I cannot remember from which seller if any one knows, please let me know so I can add their information here – everyone deserves credit for their work). There is something in this look that I find reminiscent of Odette, The Swan Princess.

So, the night before, around 10 PM (this is me we're talking about), I set myself to the task of making my own crown while watching My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding on
TLC. Nothing like ridiculously poofy dresses and humongous crowns on 18 year old brides to get you inspired! By 1 am, I was done.

Blue Beaded Princess Crown

Not as pretty, but it is only my second attempt at making a crown, and honestly, I'm happy with it. Of course, you will be shocked I am sure that I made mine silver and blue, with turquoise and lilac accents. No one could have predicted that I would go for aquatic colours, right? But you see, it was to match the new summer dress I made myself (and finished at 1:15 PM the day of).

Happy Birthday Gwenyver!
(Don't even try, I'm not telling you my age. That is for me to know and you to guess!)

Of course, it turned out to be a wet and chilly evening, so I had to wear leggings under my new sun dress – because there was no way I was going to change my outfit due to Mother Nature’s whims; I had worked too hard for that!

By the way, the dress is made with pattern
Simplicity 4531. It is the third dress I have made using that pattern and I really like all of them. There is a little something ‘50s about them in my opinion.

You know what else is great about that crown? It would be perfect for a Snow Queen or Ice Fairy costume!

New Victorian Patterns

Recently, it was my birthday. And amongst my many gifts, Nancy-Raven, who knows me so well, gave me my first Truly Victorian patterns. Let me tell you, I clapped my hands with excitement like a cartoon character as I unwrapped them.

First, a little something with a full round skirt.

As Nancy-Raven put it, this looks like it would elongate the body, which is always good when you are round. I believe this would be a great dress to make and wear at Les fêtes victoriennes in Victoriaville, QC, if I ever get go that is.

Now I wonder what type of fabric and print I should look for to make this dress. Research ahead! Actually, I have begun looking around on the Net for ideas for a German Day Dress (and general 1840's Day Dresses) and found a lovely post about 1845 German Day Dresses with many pictures on Dressing the 1840s.

Second came a pattern I have wanted for years.

1873 Polonaise - TV410

You see, I have long been in love with Trystan's Sushi Victorian Dress, and although hers was made using a different pattern (Past Patterns' 1880s Polonaise With Walking Skirt), it is still a Victorian Polonaise. Besides, I like the sleeves on the Truly Victorian pattern better.

Somehow, even with the Red Sushi Dress as the origin for my desire for a Victorian Polonaise, my first idea upon receiving this pattern was to make a mourning version. I just think it would look great in a black tonal jacquard or brocade, don't you?

As I said, I was really pleased and happy with these gifts, but I think my Sweetheart's comment said it best; he said with these patterns, Steampunk for me is definitely here to stay!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Red & Gold 18th Century Outfit

Somewhere in my stash (in an organized and labeled bin where I can fairly easily find it) I have some some red and gold silk shantung. It was a present from my Mom, back when I was working on the costumes for "Le Tzigane au Croissant d'or". She thought I might like to make myself an English dress in the 1750's style I kept making for the play's Noble ladies, so for my birthday, she bought me silk. She remembered me saying I needed about 6 metres of material for one dress, so what she got me was 3 metres in each colour.

Unfortunately, I need 6 metres for the over dress and 3 metres for the skirt, so I can't make a full length dress, but I could make a short dress or Caraco with one colour and the skirt with the other.

But I can't make up my mind as to which colour should be used for what garment. What do you think?

Red Caraco & Gold Skirt Concept Art

Gold Caraco & Red Skirt Concept Art

Which combination should I make? I will let you, my faithful readers, vote on the matter and I will abide by the majority's choice.